Nature Natures Exhibition at Wan'din'in Arts Space
I currently have work in - The 'Nature Nurtures' exhibition explores the healing powers of artistic expression with nature the...

Joellart Decor @ Earth Frequency Festival

Earth Frequency Festival 2016
Its that time of year again, doing work on decor for Earth Frequency Festival 2016, looking forward to being a part of the growing Family...

Earth Dance SE QLD 2015
Twilight decor shots

Earth Dance Queensland 2015
looking forward to decoring this lovely event this weekend http://www.earthdance.org/

Earth Frequency Festival 2016
Its that time of year again, starting planning and work on decor for Earth Frequency Festival 2016, looking forward to being a part of...

Enjoying working 3D
Enjoying working in 3D tactilely, inspired by the elements, natural surrounds, & bio rhythmical connections of upcoming outdoor festival...

Joellart at Earth Frequency
https://www.earthfrequency.com.au/decor_installation/joie_de_vivre Joie De Vivre = Joy of life, Joellarts AKA for decor which is acutely...

Earth Frequency Festival 2015
Earth Frequency Festival is a music, arts, lifestyle and environment festival in S.E.QLD, Australia, with a strong focus on performance,...